
The Arts reflect and inspire how we think and feel about the world. Individual works of art may provide literal or figurative interpretations of ideas and events. They can also reveal the ambiguities, contradictions, and otherwise hidden aspects of our own lives as well as the cultures we live among.

Our various Galleries contain collections curated by our Society’s founder, Eric Greene. These works of art reflect the sensibilities of our organization and may not specifically address animal burial.i

If you have suggestions of other works of art, please let us know!


Animation / Performance / Shorts
Paintings / Drawings
Sculpture / Installation
1,000 Doors: An Ecosystem of Love

i In the future, we may also include historically significant art that conveys a disregard for animal life, yet which is culturally relevant for understanding the challenges in asserting that animals are family, and in promoting conservation whole-family cemeteries.

updated October 18, 2019

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